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正月縁日@樅の木ホテル New Year’s Ennichi Fair @Mominoki Hotel

正月 白馬

Mominoki Hotel is holding New Year’s events on 31 December and 1 January.

[New Year’s “Ennichi” Fair @Mominoki Hotel]

12/31 22:30-
New Year’s Eve “Toshikoshi-Soba” Noodles Giveaways

1/1  9:00 & 15:00  正月縁日 鏡割り、わたあめ など
“Kagami Wari” Opening Sake Cask Ceremony & Cotton Candy Giveaways, and more!

What is “Ennichi”?
“En” means having a special relation, “nichi” means day. Ennichi is a special day where the Japanese people celebrate their relations with a particular deity. Ennichi can be referred to as Saint’s Day. This day usually celebrates the birth or the passing of the deity they are honoring. The Japanese people visit the temple or shrine on these holy days to pray to the deity to bring them fortune and good health. A fun part of these festivals is the production of a large number of food and game stalls near the temple or shrine. This attracts many visitors young and old.

What is “Toshikoshi-Soba”?
In Japan, we eat buckwheat noodles on New Year’s Eve and hope for a long happy life.

What is “Kagami-Wari”
The Japanese often celebrate happy events with kagami-wari. In kagami-wari, a wooden cask filled with sake is prepared. People crack open this cask and then make a toast with the sake. Since the cask is made of cedar, the sake takes scent of cedar in the cask.

Come enjoy New Year’s day with us at Mominoki Hotel!